Official Heisman Trophy Podcast Kicks Off Second Season

The second season of the Official Heisman Trophy Podcast premieres Wednesday (Aug. 21) with interviews with national college football writers Pat Forde and Tom Fornelli, as well as Heisman Trustee Jim Corcoran, who discusses USC great Reggie Bush’s return to the Heisman fraternity.
The podcast streams every Wednesday throughout the college football season, culminating with coverage before, during, and after the Heisman Trophy ceremony.
Upcoming episodes of the podcast will feature 2024 Heisman Trophy candidates and Heisman Trophy Winners, the latest breaking Heisman news, interviews with members of the college football media world, and other Heisman-related content.
The podcast is hosted and co-produced by Chris Huston, aka the HeismanPundit. Paul Goldberg is the executive producer.
You can listen to The Official Heisman Trophy Podcast on Apple Music, Spotify, and anywhere else you listen to your favorite podcasts, as well as on Heisman.com. You can also find highlights and clips of the show on Instagram and X at @heismantrophy, plus full pod episodes and highlights on YouTube (@heismantrophypod) as well as at TikTok (@OfficialHeismanTrophy).