The 2017 Heisman weekend has begun

The 83rd Heisman weekend is officially underway.
Lamar Jackson, Bryce Love and Baker Mayfield are all in New York City and will soon be taking part in traditional Heisman festivities.
After checking in to their hotels, the finalists will talk to media and get their first look at the trophy that will be awarded on Saturday night. We’ll have quotes and pictures from that availability later today.
Later tonight, the finalists and their families will take a bus tour around New York City before joining a welcome reception with former winners.
On Saturday, they’ll do a walk-thru on the Heisman set, participate in one more press conference and then take the stage as the biggest stars the Big Apple has to offer — for one night, at least. The Heisman award ceremony starts at 8 pm. ET on ESPN.
On Sunday, two of the finalists will fly home, but the winner will stay in New York to take part in the Heisman Gala that night. At that special event, he will be formally inducted into the Heisman family.
Be sure to check back in at Heisman.com and Heisman Central for full coverage of Heisman weekend.